
Monday, April 20, 2009

To all who are counting down with us:

One week from right now Mike will be driving a big yellow Penski truck while I follow behind him in a little smaller vehicle. We will be headed south to Crystal Lake where we will unload our belongings in Sharpmack storage and then we will head to Omaha for Mike's graduation! I am so proud of Mike and I am very excited to cheer him on as he graduates from Grace. Can you believe that our Wisconsin journey has come to an end so quickly? We certainly can't!

In this next week we humbly ask for your prayers as this transition will be unique for us. God has yet to show us our next step in life so we are literally taking a step in faith. Please pray that our moving travels will be safe and that we would be sensitive to hear the Lord when he whispers our future to us. This is truly a time of trusting in God's promises and believing that God will direct our future.

Thank you for all your love, prayer and support!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just a glimpse

Last night we went to Willow Creek for their Easter service. Whenever we are in Chicago we always like to try and make it to Willow. Some people may get a little intimidated by how enormous the church is, but for me it is actually encouraging. It is so amazing standing in a congregation of 10,000 people and hearing all of us standing and worshiping the creator of the world and our Savior. It reminds me that while there may be terrible things happening in the world today, Satan will not win! There will come a day when we will all, the whole world, stand before Jesus the King. Can you even begin to imagine the beautiful sounds of praise when that day comes; when the whole world will acknowledge that Jesus is the risen one who saved us from a life and eternity of shackles?----Today, Easter, is just a small glimpse of what celebrating and worshiping will be like...for those who believe in the one who died and rose again!!!

~Happy Easter~