
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Process

Wow. What a ride this last month has been for us! Mike has had some great opportunities to talk with churches and small groups about Youth Dynamics Adventures. We have also had some great face to face meetings with couples who have been very encouraging!

We just returned from a trip to Omaha, Nebraska where we were able to reconnect with friends, hear what God has been doing in their lives, and also share more about our opportunity for ministry. While the support raising process has been slower than we would have hoped, we have certainly learned that God's timing is much better than our own. (Although, at times, we must admit that we do forget that promise.)

Currently we are at about 20% of our support. Our goal date to be at full support has been June 1st...and we continue to shoot for June! Yet, in this entire process we have come to realize that we are not in control.

Friday, April 16, 2010


It has been quite warm here in Chicago this week; it even hit the 80's one day! With the warm temperatures comes a desire to hit the rapids and enjoy the beauty of rivers and lakes.

Of course, you would expect Mike to pull out his kayak and play in it as if he really were on the river. He practiced his side to side moves, his roll moves, and his steering moves all on the grass in the backyard. Just because there isn't access to water does not mean you can't kayak!

I guess it is pretty safe to say he is itching to get to Idaho and share his passion with others!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I have been unable to sleep lately. I toss and turn, my mind running a million miles a minute, fretting and worrying over things I can't control or change.

Last night was one of those nights. After hours of not sleeping, when I really wish I was sleeping, I got up to go to the bathroom and regroup. As I walked down the hall, a soft whisper in my head said, "Meditate on my scripture, meditate on Proverbs 3:5-6." As I climbed back into bed, I closed my eyes and began to recite the verse that I had memorized so long ago. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your path straight."

The first few time I rambled off the verse hoping that I would quickly fall asleep, but after about the tenth time I began to focus on each word and the importance of it in my life., something I obviously am not doing a very good job of if I am still awake fretting over the impossible. All... I am certainly not giving it ALL to Him...if I am still awake. Understanding... I can't even begin to understand, it is evident that my plans are not God's plans otherwise we wouldn't be living with my in laws (even though I do love them!).

I continued to meditate on each word, allowing myself to be refined by the Holy Spirit; to be disciplined, challenged, and renewed. To be honest, I don't remember if I was able to meditate on each word before I fell asleep. But I can say that I woke up this morning disciplined and ready to start again.

So the next time you can't sleep, try meditating on scripture. More likely than not, He will put you in your place and you will get a good nights sleep!