
Monday, June 21, 2010


Recently, Mike and I listened to a series on prayer by Louie Giglio. What an incredible communicator Giglio is! God has really used his sermon series to challenge us in our prayer life. In fact, we encourage you to search him on the internet and listen as well.

Anyway, at one point in the sermon Giglio spoke about how often we pray that God would bless us. We as Christians pray, "Lord, please bless us as we go through this day. Bless us as we sacrifice and serve you in ministry" or we pray, "Lord, please bless me with that new car and that extra bonus check at the end of the month. I have worked so hard that I deserve it."

As I search my own heart, I often find myself praying similiar prayers such as, "Lord bless us, get us to 100% support quickly." Now the point of Giglios sermon wasn't to say that we can't ask for God to provide for us, but rather he was trying to make the point that we as Christians are more than blessed. We are blessed by Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross; we are blessed everyday that God gives us life rather than death; we are blessed by God's unfalling love for us; we are blessed by grace and mercy each hour of the day. So is it really prudent of us to ask for the Lord to bless us when we are already more than blessed?

I am sure there are many theological arguments for the above question and I would love to hear your thoughts, but either way, I do know the next time I kneel in prayer discouraged because of my present currcumstance, instead of praying that the Lord would deliver me and bless me, I will thank the Lord for blessing me abundantly because indeed I am blessed!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prayer Letter

Dear Prayer Warriors and Ministry Partners,

Recently Mike and I have been challenged by a few individuals to continue to let our prayer requests be known and to continue to build up a strong prayer team- it is certainly not by our own efforts that we can achieve anything of worth. So first of all, thank you for your prayers; they are felt and answered in God's timing. Second, here are a few ways you can be praying:

1. That Mike and I would continue to generate contacts specifically for raising monthly support.
2. That Mike's church in Crystal Lake would see the power in YD Adventures and pledge to support us.
3. That we would be sensitive to opportunities that God places before us to share our ministry with others.
4. That I would be able to find a full time teaching position for the fall.
5. That we would continue to be encouraged and continue to fully trust in God's timing and not our own.
6. Lord willing, we would be able to move west by the end of the summer.
7. That we would continue to learn and grow from the lessons God has instore to teach us.

Just as we need your prayers, we would also like to be praying for you. Please email if you have any prayer requests that you would like us to be praying for. We would love the privilege to pray for you.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Battle

Today is June 1st, the day that Mike and I set as our goal date to be at 100% support. Currently we are at 32%. We are not discouraged, frustrated or angry; more like anxious, impatient, and ready to be with YD Adventures full time. I think about how excited Mike and I are to begin this adventure; we tap our feet and stare at the calendar watching each day go by, believing we are ready for the battle over souls... believing we are soldiers ready to fight.

As soldiers of a mighty commander, we train and train and train some more. We face our lessons, tasks, and missions head on; all for the sake of the battle. We sit in the bunks with anxious hearts ready to face the bigger mission with boldness and confidence. We even say, "Commander, I am ready, can't you see my skills are the best?" Yet our commander makes us wait until He thinks we are ready. He knows what His soldiers are ready for, capable of, and prepared for. He knows when our skills are the best and when our skills will save our lives. Thankfully, He knows the exact right time to put us on the battle field; for if it were up to us, we would begin prematurely with heart and ambition but we would not have the skill, wisdom or knowledge to fight for the long hall. This is a battle for the kingdom of God and it will not be won over night.

So today, June 1st, we wait patiently, we train hard, and we wait on His timing because He is our great commander and He knows far better than us when we are ready fight.