
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

September 1

We began praying about the idea of moving to Idaho and joining
Youth Dynamics Adventures 8 months ago. The idea of serving others, challenging students and seeing God move in the lives of others was a thrilling thought and one that the Lord has finally brought to reality.
For many different reasons we have finally set a move date for September 1st. After many months of waiting and preparing, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are excited for the new adventure yet nervous to take such a leap of faith. (Moving across country seems to be getting more intimidating the closer it gets.)
As we prepare for this new journey, we would appreciate your prayers in a few areas.
1) We are currently at 54% of our full support. Please pray that we would continue to have opportunities to share with others about YD Adventures and that we would raise the full 100% quickly.
2) We will be loading a POD the weekend before we move. We pray that all of our belongings will fit and no other preparations will need to be made.
3) We both will be looking for jobs when we move to the area (until we reach 100% support Mike will be working a part time job as well as serving with YD Adventures). We pray that we would be able to find jobs quickly and be obedient as the Lord leads.
4) We will also be looking for housing as YD Adventures does not offer housing for staff. We have temporary arrangements, but will need to find permanent housing as soon as possible.
5) We pray for safety as we travel; we pray for opportunities to trust the Lord; we pray our marriage will be protected during a time of transition; and we pray that we will serve the Lord however He asks us to.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. We truly couldn't set out on this journey without you!

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