
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Let Go ------> A new series

I had a list of all these things I wanted to do this summer. Mostly, it was a list of things I wanted to let go of: closets stuffed full of clothes I don't wear, desks full of papers I don't read, emails that cause morning chaos, books sitting in "read" and "unread" stacks. All of this stuff takes up space in my life and most of it just weighs me down. I look around my home and most of what I own I never use. Part of me longs to let it all go and live with just enough to fill a backpack.

But it's not just stuff that fills up space in my life. There are also life choices, lies that we accept as truth, memories, conversations, and circumstances that sit- and all of this fills up life. Everything in our lives takes up space and we choose to let it, but what if we chose differently? What if we chose to let go of everything that filled up space in our home and heart that was ugly, heavy, or not useful? What would life look like?

If I'm honest, my goal this summer was to lighten the load; free up the space in my home and heart.... I had great intentions, but I failed. I keep holding onto the junk. Now, I look at the calendar and realize that this summer is officially gone...

...but my chance to let go is never gone. We all have things we need to let go of. The tighter we hold onto them, the tighter we hold onto this world and we all know this world will not satisfy. So I've decided that maybe if I go on record, that perhaps my drive to let go will move from wishful thinking to actual DOING. So here it is.

1. Let go of one thing a week until Christmas.
2. Blog about it. Keep record of it. Evaluate whether letting go makes a distinct difference in my life.
3. Encourage others to lighten their load too.
What would life look like if we got rid of all of the ugly in our home and hearts?
Ready, set,


Anonymous said...

I'm in! I'll comment each week after you post. :) I agree that stuff bogs me down. I am working on simplifying life as much as I can so I can focus my energy on relationships. Thanks for sharing. ~Heather Krupa

kelly lautenbach said...

I love you. :) I'm so glad you're writing and thinking out loud.