
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Refocus: Part II

As our family and friends in the Midwest just got dumped on by 22 inches of beautiful fluffy snow, we have been enjoying sunny spring like weather (with a hint of crisp winter still in the air). I am not sharing this to rub it in your face if you are fighting through the waist high snow and pleading for spring. Instead, I tell you this with excitement in my soul! With the onset of spring comes an anxious Sharpmack household; wilderness trips are right around the corner!

YD Adventures is currently booking up all rafting, kayaking, and climbing trips for this summer and fall. Currently we have more trips booked then last year at this time; real students are coming and will soon experience God in a new way! We are also excited because there will be more full time staff this summer then in recent years- with that, we hope that we will be able to lead even more trips.

In order to get ready for those trips, a lot of preparation must be done. Mike is already working to be in top physical shape in order to lead wilderness trips effectively (he has lost almost 20lbs!). He begins swift water rescue training, raft guide, kayak, and climbing training later this spring. Mike is excited and anxious about this as the rivers out here are a lot more powerful than what we are used to in Wisconsin. Also, all raft gear, kayaks, and climbing gear are starting to get pulled out of storage so that they can be assessed, repaired and prepared for the spring.

In addition to preparations for spring, YD staff still have the opportunity to work with students in the public schools as they lead rock climbing classes and challenge course activities. This has been an awesome opportunity to build intentional relationships with students.

As we get ready for this spring, Mike and I will head out on one last "support trip" until next fall. Our goal in this trip is to share and spend time with our current supporters- as you are the ones that have blessed us with this opportunity in ministry! We will also be looking for opportunities to share with small groups, Bible studies, student classrooms, churches, chapels, and anyone who would be willing to hear about our mission. We have currently raised 65% of the finances needed to be considered 'full time' with YD Adventures. We are anxious to be at 100% by early this summer!

We humbly ask that if you would like to hear more details about why we have to raise financial support or if you have a small group of some sort that you would like for us to speak to, please email (we might find you and ask you anyways, so be thinking :-). We will be in the Midwest this March! Also if you would like to make a donation, you can do so at the link below. All donations are tax deductable and greatly appreciated! No matter the amount, it is appreciated and so very helpful!

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurabely more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." ~Eph. 3:20-21

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