
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Refocus: Part I

As I read back through recent posts, I noticed that I haven't mentioned much about Youth Dynamics and our work out here in Idaho. In the beginning, the goal of this blog was to let friends, family, and supporters hear what we have been doing for the sake of ministry in Idaho. As the blog has evolved, there have been more posts about lessons God is teaching me. I will continue to share those lessons; however, I wanted to refocus for a moment and share about ministry in the Sharpmack family.

We have now been here in Idaho for 6 months! Can you believe that?! There have been very encouraging times and of course, times of loneliness and a longing for the Midwest- "home". In those lonely times, God has been faithful to help us stay focused on the calling He has placed on our hearts: to see student's lives transformed by the power of God's creation.
Just the other day I looked back at old pictures of Mike and I leading wilderness trips and tears came rushing to my eyes. It wasn't the memory of having a fun time on a river trip that first came to my mind, but rather the students who we saw drastically transformed by the challenge (spiritually, physically, and mentally) of a wilderness trip. There is something truly raw and undeniable about living in God's creation and not being distracted by the world around you; truly life changing no matter your age!
It is with those memories and those personal testimonies that we continue to press on. We will not allow Satan to distract us, we will not allow him to divert our attention on the meaningless things in life. We will stay true to the promise that God is awesome and we will be obedient to tell hungry students about our awesome God!

So as we continue to adapt to a new culture, being away from family and trusting God for full support, we thank God that He continues to refocus us and remind us of why we are here in Idaho. ...To God be the Glory.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is as work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." ~Eph. 3:20-21

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes. Refocus. Remember why God brought you. Take confidence in His direction, and boast only in the Lord that He wants to use you exactly where He has brought you.