
Monday, May 23, 2011

MRI Update

We thank the Lord for His goodness and provision! My MRI results came back normal which means I do not have any brain tumors! I am relieved and so very humbled by God's goodness. With these results bring more questions about what is causing headaches and dizziness, but I have decided that managing a headache is so much easier with the weight of worry taken off my shoulders.

While this is a time of celebration for answered prayers, God has also used this experience to reshape my heart and give me renewed sensitivity to those who are struggling with cancer. So many people all around the world are facing the worst battle of their lives. As I celebrate clear and negative test results, so many others aren't so lucky.

It is with this good news that I choose to pray for those who haven't heard good news and I encourage all of you to do the same; pray, encourage, donate time and money, and do whatever you can for those who are facing this tough battle! 

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Praise the Lord for clear results! I am celebrating with you and praying for others. Cancer is a hard road to walk. So thankful that He is with us always.