
Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We had an amazing time with Mike's parents over the Thanskgiving holiday. We did so many different things from shopping to playing Settlers, going down water slides to being lazy in the lazy river! Our time with Mike's family and our to come time with my family made me remember how blessed we truly are. There are so many families all around the world that are from broken homes, are fighting life threatening diseases or are thankful for merely a drink of water a day. Mike and I have two families that love and support us, they have raised us by the Word of God and have given us the tools to succeed. We have food in our kitchen, a bed with a warm blanket and a shower that cleans our already clean bodies. I am thankful for what the Lord has blessed us with, but there is a small part of me that wonders what my faith would look like if I didn't have all of these blessings. Would I trust the Lord more because I physically saw the Lord move by providing food when I didn't think I would have it, or would I have less faith because I haven't learned to trust the Lord in all situations? I suppose that right now those are merely questions that I ponder, but I do pray that I would learn to thank the Lord for each small blessing I receive; that I wouldn't have to stop and reflect only on Thanksgiving...but that I would be reflecting each new day. I pray that I would trust in the Lord and thank him always.