
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mr. Netflix

I have to confess that this weekend I have been addicted to Netflix. Yikes! Mr. Netflix is like this adultnapper who draws you in with enticing stories and before you know it the couch has swallowed you up, the TV has taken you prisoner and Mr. Netflix just laughs because an entire day has seemingly vanished.

And you think I'm kidding, but really, documentaries have kind of been my weekend. There is something so interesting to me learning about other people; how they live or what they live for. Now please don't judge but here is the list of titles I have watched in the last week or so: The Queen of Versailles, First Position, Happy, The One Percent, and Vegucated. All of these documentaries had a different focus; from training to be professional ballerinas to going vegan, from being the top one percent wealthiest Americans to losing everything in a matter of months. These stories kept me glued to Mr. Netflix.

Now, after detoxing from my imprisonment, I find myself thinking back to those documentaries and asking one question: What do I live for? You see, one of the common denominators in each of those documentaries is that each person lived for something or someone. The ballerina lived for ballet. The vegan thrived on identity. The top one percent breathed money - they all lived for something and it was always something that gratified their own desires. Yet sadly, what they lived for was always something that could be taken away. An injury could destroy a ballerina's career, and money- no matter how much- could quickly vanish, leaving hope and security a distant memory. I even watched the Bachelorette last night and the contestants hopes for love was all they held onto. They sought after love, living for love because somehow they thought that it would make them happy and yet, we know that all of those things we strive for and live for will only satisfy for a season... and then what?

So again, I ask myself, what do I live for?

and I am reminded of a C.S. Lewis quote


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