
Sunday, May 19, 2013


The urge to write came quickly and strong this morning. I suppose the last few days I have been ignoring my computer because it seems like so many of my thoughts are fragmented; pieces here and there, all of which are spurred on from different aspects (more like worries) of my life. Yet, I can't seem to bring any of them together into a complete thought. They keep running in circles like a dog chasing his tail.

Fragmented thoughts:
School is slowing down. I am thankful and all I want to do is celebrate with my students but the paper grading is never ending and it is stressful. I think there must be a lesson about procrastination here. I have a house that is a mess and honestly, I have absolutely no motivation to do anything about it. I think about the word disciplined and think there might be a lesson here too. I keep going to fun parties which, of course, I can't say no to the delectable sweets and it makes me think of the word diet. I have friends that are moving and friends that are out of touch with me and it make think of the word friendship and sad.


Yesterday I had the privilege of throwing a baby shower for a dear friend. It was a morning shower which meant that I was up early; running in a hundred different directions. Clipping flowers. Cooking. Decorating. So many little details, all of which I wanted to be perfect because I wanted to make sure my friend felt loved. The morning was lovely. In fact, I thought the shower turned out close to perfect. After the guests left, I sat down in the backyard and took it all in; the decorations, the celebration of a new life, and the fellowship. My heart felt full.

Yet, there was something that tugged at me saying, "Sheila, you feel joy because of something much more than just because of a party." Then it came to me, it was about serving. It was about waking up really early on a Saturday morning {denying my desire to sleep in}. Cooking {for others}, decorating {for others}, doing whatever I could to make sure that others had an enjoyable morning. -That is what truly brought me joy.

Serving is what we are made for.
It is how we find contentment in the midst of worry, stress, or in an unsatisfied moment of life.

Surprisingly, I did not think about my fragmented thoughts and worries at all during the shower. Not once did I think about grading papers, cleaning my messy house, or worrying about friends who are out of touch with me. Goodbye procrastination, discipline, diets, etc. Instead, my focus shifted from myself to others and it felt good. Isn't it so true that when we deny ourselves for the sake of others; when we focus on serving then our worries quickly wash away.

Serving makes an empty heart full and a worrisome heart content.

 It's truly the way to a full life.

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