
Tuesday, May 14, 2013


They flutter down from Heaven
but they don't always arrive when we pray or wish for them
they linger until we least expect them 
They rarely come in beautiful wrapping paper
or in a flashy card
They aren't worth a million dollars
they rarely cost a dime.
They come when we are weary
when we forgot we needed one
They are delivered in the most unexpected ways
by unexpected messengers
They are easily recognized
and warmly accepted -often with tears-
Because they give such comfort to the soul.
Today's blessing came just as I was giving up
I flopped down at my desk
ready to call it a day
Words of Encouragement right there at eye level
from a sweet sweet student
tears started to roll.
They will find you when you least expect it
They are fluttering down all around
just waiting....
to find you 
to comfort your soul.

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