
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Winter is here to stay

So I must admit that at this very moment I am a little frustrated with this blogger website. It has taken me nearly a half hour just to get logged into my site; too many passwords for me to remember! Needless to say, I am finally logged in and happy to update you on the Sharpmack way of life.

Mike and I visited my family in South Carolina for Christmas and it was a wonderful time; warm weather, beautiful sunny days and a lot of laughter made this Christmas extra special. It wasn't until we returned back to the north woods that we realized that winter is here to stay. This last week we have been blessed with temperatures in the mid teens to lower twenties. We have come to find out that those temperatures are actually quite nice for skiing. Yep, that is right, I said skiing! Mike and I have learned how to ski and are teaching lessons this winter. This is one sport that Mike and I can actually enjoy together; we have learned it together and are working at mastering it together. Surprisingly, the cold weather doesn't even phase me when I am out on the ski hill; that is, when my gloves are keeping my fingers nice and warm!

We are excited for this new season here at camp. It is very different from summer or fall, but so far, we have loved the new challenges and opportunity to help others. For those of you counting down until Mike is finished here, we only have 4 more months. Mike is anxious to have his degree completed; however, the job hunt for both of us is under way. Please be praying that the Lord would direct our path as we seek his direction for our future.

Love to all of you from the north woods!