
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Magic Button

Words can't begin to express what an amazing time we had in Fort Worth, TX. Mike and I drove the 17 hours straight thru last Wed. in order to be at the conference bright and early the following morning. Looking back, we wonder if we were crazy! Really, 17 hours straight thru?! We won't be doing that again any time soon.
As for the conference, Boot Camp by Body Builders, Youth Dynamics could not have picked a better conference for us to attend. While we know that we will never be prepared enough for this journey, we do believe that this conference has prepared us enough to feel equipped to share our ministry opportunity with others. We look forward to the opportunity to sit down and share our ministry passion with others and to see how the Lord will provide- what an opportunity to leap off the edge and trust that God's mighty hands will catch us!
If we have learned one very important lesson from this conference it is that we cannot, nor do we want to, go onto the ministry field without invested ministry partners praying and supporting us. At the beginning of the conference the speaker asked us, "if there was a magic button that you could push and you would be financially funded immediately, would you push it?" Almost everyone in the room raised their hands. Of course we would push the button! The speaker shared that his goal was to help us see that ministry partners aren't just investing in us financially, but that they are the core of our ministry. Without them and God at work in all of us, our ministry would not survive the long hall. At the end of the conference the speaker asked the same question about the magic button; it was amazing to see that not one person raised their hands. We finally realized what we would miss out on by pushing the magic button; an opportunity to team together to transform lives for the glory of God.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

We drove the 900 miles to Chicago for the new year. What a fun time we had celebrating the new year and Christmas with the Sharpmack family. The snow was so beautiful and made us miss our favorite sport of skiing. Bear was also introduced to snow and he loved it! He enjoyed running through the 10 inches, but his favorite thing to do in the snow was to eat it! Although the snow was beautiful, we will admit that the -4 degree weather would not have been missed!

Now we are back in South Carolina enjoying a little warmer (but not much warmer) weather. We are catching our breath before we drive a little over 1,000 miles to Fort Worth, TX next Wed. for our support raising conference. We are in the process of finishing up our 24 hours worth of "homework" where we have learned so many encouraging things about raising support from a biblical perspective. We have been so encouraged by our home study that we are very anxious to get to our conference and learn even more!

Thank you for all your prayer and support. We would appreciate your prayers for safe travels and a wonderful time of learning at the conference.

We will keep you posted!