
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Never let go

Writing is a therapeutic process. When I sit down to write, part of me knows the direction in which the keyboard will be played, but it's always about half way through the writing that it takes on a mind of its own. Before I know it, the writing evolves and morphs into something I didn't know was deep inside me.

That is what I love about writing.
And that is what scares me the most about writing, especially when it's read by others.

I suppose that is why I haven't written for over a month (sorry to those few friends that are loyal readers). There are so many things that have been on my mind, all of which have been a jumbled mess. Perhaps I've been nervous to see how it all comes out and how my writing evolves into something I didn't expect.

So here goes the evolving writing:

I know that my last few posts talked about the theme of "letting go"... letting go of the material items, memories, relationships, lies, and all the things that weigh you down. While that has been a very influential theme of my life over the last few months and one that I will continue to explore and write about, there is one contrasting theme that has been loud in my life over the last few weeks.

Don't ever let go of what you know to be true
because it's your constant.
It is in the hardest of times when what you know to be true carries you through. It gives you strength when you feel weak. It gives you hope in the hopeless. It reminds you that there is more to life than you. It keeps you grounded and pushes you forward when all you want to do is stop. It is life when you feel like yours has stopped. It's the whisper that says, "I made you for more than this. Keep going. Keep living." It is your constant. Whatever you know to be true becomes that baseline to life when everything around you seems to shatter into a million pieces. We all need a baseline; something that grounds us and keeps us sane. It's that truth deep within us that reminds us of who we are and who we are meant to be- even in the hardest of times.
Never let go of that truth!
My truth has been with me since I was a little girl sitting in the back pew of church. There have been times where I have doubted, where I have wanted to let it go but it wasn't so simple. It was my rock. For more than 20 years this truth has walked with me. It has been my constant when I was a stubborn little girl, an emotional teenager making dumb decisions, a young woman walking into adulthood, and it will continue to stay with me and be my rock. So what is my truth? What is the truth that reminds me of who I am; my baseline for life no matter how good or bad life gets?
It is as simple as this:
I am loved deeper than I could ever understand by a God that is bigger than the universe.
My crappy, carnal sins are paid for -Not by my own effort.
Grace and mercy is ever flowing and I'm given a brand new chance each new day.
Today I am most thankful for that ever constant truth in my life.
It's my constant and I'm never letting it go.