
Saturday, February 20, 2016


There is this saying that hangs next to my front door.

I often leave in a hurry so, really, the sign serves more as decoration than it does as a reminder, but this morning, as I sat on the couch with my laptop ready, my coffee cup filled, and my soul ah searching, the sign hung on my wall, large and proud.

"Life is like riding a bicycle
To keep your balance
You must keep 

For some, they are born to move. In fact, if they don't move, their mind goes a little crazy. They have to be busy whether it be moving about their home or job. Some love being outside; moving about in nature. Others enjoy the physical exertion of a good workout. No matter what type of movement, some just have to be moving. These are the ambitious ones.

Then there are others who are completely alright with a good book, a cup of coffee, and their favorite reading spot. The ones that enjoy the silence, or the simple turning over of thoughts in their mind. Their movement is done more in the mind and less with physical intensity. They really don't need any type of physical movement in order to be content and that is perfectly alright. These are the thoughtful ones.

Which are you?

To be honest, so much of me wishes I was the ambitious one. I wish I was athletic and needed to move throughout life in constant movement, but I'm not. 

I am perfectly happy with no movement at all! I am not ashamed to say that I can be lazy and it makes me happy some days. 

Sitting and thinking. 
Sitting and watching Netflix. 
Sitting and reading a good book. 

Movement takes hard work and on my days off, I really despise hard work.  

Yet lately, in my laziness, when I want to sit and rest. When I want to watch another episode of Scandal or junk out on Netflix. When I want to ignore all of the adult things I push to another day, the sign next to my door screams in my head. 

I hear this loud, annoying voice say,

"Own today! Make today the best it can be. You may be tired. You may want to SIT and do nothing, but today is the only day that is right here, right now. So keep moving. Keep going! Do something great! Live today!"

There is this tension inside of me. I wonder if you have it too. It's not bad that I enjoy all the quiet and still times. In fact, this is a skill to master: to be still in the quiet. However, there is a balance and the balance means to MOVE too. Life was not meant to be lived in a book, or in front of a TV, phone, or computer. Life is meant to be LIVED.

So I close up my laptop, put on my tennis shoes, and go enjoy the beauty of this sunny, February day.

What will you do?