
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

River Time

I have a busy but very fun next full week a head of me! I leave on Friday morning to lead a weekend river trip for the Big Sisters organization. I will be returning on Sunday afternoon. This trip will be unique because I will not be leading it with Mike, instead I will be leading it with another female. I am excited yet also nervous because when I lead with Mike, I know that he can compensate for my weaknesses. This trip I will be fully relying on God's strength to get me through- that is something I should be doing much more of; once again, another lesson from God.

Monday I will be leaving again for the river, but this time with Mike. This will be our first full week on the river together. I am very excited about this trip, but again nervous that my energy won't hold out.

Please pray for safety as we are traveling and on the river. Leading trips are such a great opportunity for Mike and I; however, there is much responsibility given to us as we care for not only our safety but the safety of the entire group.

We'll Keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

An Update

It has been a few weeks since I have been able to post any updates; needless to say that it has been a busy few weeks! The 4th of July weekend (my birthday) came up quickly and Mike's mom and dad came up to visit. It was a great weekend of fun and play. We even drove up to Bayfield, Wisconsin which is located right on Lake Superior. It was a beautiful day!

Since then, Mike has been very busy working with students as they learn how to rock climb. He has had great patience with the students and has even enjoyed being able to build a new part of the rock wall. I have enjoyed being able to learn more about rock climbing and I have even become a better climber!

This last weekend, Mike and I lead a canoe trip for the Big Brothers organization. We had a wonderful time working together as well as keeping everyone safe. We had beautiful weather, with the exception of one evening storm. I am proud to say that I did not have any major problems, in fact, I have grown to really enjoy life on the river. There is something very precious about being away from the chaos of the world. Mike had a great opportunity to talk with one of the leaders from Big Brother about Christ for the majority of the trip. God gave Mike great opportunities to answer questions as the leader was a religions major in college and since then has had many questions about Christian issues. Praise God that he gave Mike the wisdom and words to speak.

Please be praying that God would give Mike strength and confidence as Mike continues to be stretched emotionally, spiritually, and physically. As for me, right now I am visiting family in Omaha, Nebraska. Please pray that I would have safe travels back to camp next week!