
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A few extra minutes to update you...

I have a few extra minutes before Mike's class gets out so I thought I would update you. Honestly, there isn't much to update you on...we are still skiing and improving in our skills everyday. Teaching ski lessons has been a great opportunity for both Mike and I to reach out to the community, speak truth into peoples lives and enjoy God's beauty in the process. We have had a very cold January, I believe they said it was the coldest on record since 1996; however, we have managed just fine! It is amazing how God provides for our needs, even if it is something as small as hot chocolate on a freezing cold day. It is funny to think that I was so nervous coming to Wisconsin because I wasn't sure if I could handle the winter, but winter has actually become my favorite part about this year. I can honestly say that God has truly taken care of me!

We have about a month and a half left of skiing and then it turns into crunch time for Mike. He is in the process of writing a paper that outlines a hypothetical camp that he created. The final paper is due in April, so March is the month for tweaking and finishing up the paper he has been working on all year. Please pray that he would have the strength to finish this year with excellence and that the Lord would provide him wisdom as he needs it. It is incredible how quickly this year has come and gone. We can't express to you how much we feel your prayers.

Thank you for all your love and support!

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