
Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving rest

This year Thanksgiving looked a little different for the Sharpmack family; the theme of our thanksgiving could have been something like, 'rest in our thankfulness'. While I am sure we could have gone to a friends house or even crunched numbers to figure out how we could travel to be with family, instead, we chose to rest.

It is interesting how the hustle and bustle of the holidays; the excited emotions and the focus on tasks, such as who is cooking what, keeps us from focusing on the simple. Instead of all those distractions we chose to focus on a simple day of rest and thanksgiving. It is because of my opportunity to rest (literally laying on the couch, looking out the window with no distractions insight) that I was able to truly reflect on all that the Lord has done; health, love, friends, family, memories, future goals, and security. Of course, things are far from perfect and so often my mind is overwhelmed with the distractions of situations I cannot control...but on this unique Thanksgiving, I realized why the Lord emphasized the importance of rest so much that he encouraged an entire day to be filled of it. It is with the resting of our mind, our body, and our spirit that we are truly able to focus in on the beauty of our saviour and the blessings only He can provide.

So why might God have encouraged a day of rest? Perhaps it was to encourage us to leave our worries behind, to leave our self centered thoughts behind and to truly acknowledge Him and to encourage a thankful spirit.

Exodus 31:15 "For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord."


Anonymous said...

Cool guys. Good to hear. What are your winter season plans?

Anonymous said...

Awesome insight. Missed you but Thankful that God is caring for you spiritually&physically and providing wonderful memories for you to build your 'oneness' on.