
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Road Trip Lessons and Reminders

Well, we are back from a 2 week adventure. We loved our time with so many friends and family! We thought we would take a few minutes and share a few things we either learned or were reminded of during our trip.

1) 3,800 miles on the road is a VERY long time to be crammed in a car with two dogs and a spouse----but we were reminded how good road trips are for the soul! How often do we get to slow down, see the beautiful country and get hours upon hours to talk with your spouse and reflect on life?! I am so thankful for those many memories!

2) Wyoming is a big beautiful, and yes, boring state! Take note, if you ever find yourself driving in the middle of Wyoming, make sure to fill up your gas tank every time you see a gas station; they are few and far between! While the state has beautiful scenery, Mike is convinced that only three people live in the state---it is mostly wide open country :-).

3) We couldn't have wished for a more supportive group of family and friends. Our family and friends are the most loving, supportive and encouraging group of Godly people. We are so thankful to have each of you in our lives. Truly, we would not survive living and serving in ministry here in Idaho without each of you!

4) My husband is actually quite the funny guy! His sense of humor is what attracted him to me in the first place, but as many of you married folk know, the stresses of life hit and having fun with your spouse can often get kicked to the curb. On our trip Mike and I had fun together and I was reminded of how funny of a guy he is! I'm one lucky girl.

1) As many of you know, support raising has become quite difficult for us in recent months. To be honest, in the last month (before this trip) there were times where Mike and I looked at each other and asked the question, "Is this really where God wants us...". But God is faithful and he really used this trip to show us that YES this is where God wants us for this time of our life. While the support raising process is taking longer than we would have hoped....we do feel that this is God's direction for us and we are thankful to feel a peace about it ----even as funds are lacking.

2) Trusting on God is worth it all!

To those we saw, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to see us and hear how things are going. We love you all so much and miss you....but serving Him is worth it all! Truly.

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