
Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today has been one of those days where everything has been beyond disappointing. I spent most of the day feeling sorry for myself; wishing I was Kate, the soon to be princess, with the world in her hands to do as she pleases. But, I am not a princess and today has been one of those "feel sorry for me" kind of days.

It was later in the afternoon that I felt God's nudge to open to Philippians. Isn't it quite magnificent how powerful God's words are and how they can transform our mind and outlook on life. The following passage is what God used to pull me out of my "woe is me" attitude. Perhaps it will encourage you as well.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12-13.

Wow, to be content in ALL things----something I choose to work at.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mike's "office"

Mike is on the river for his second weekend of raft training. They have yet to flip a raft---which is a good thing! I was hoping to get out and take some pictures of him in action, but that didn't happen (yet) so instead, I thought it would be fun to show a few pictures of Mike's "office".  My sister took these photos last fall. Aren't you jealous of Mike's office?!

Of course, these shots are of the slower moving water. The part of the river Mike has been working on is much more powerful with class 3 and 4 rapids and the river is much higher right now with snow melting into the river. (Got to make sure I don't misrepresent the hard work my man is doing!)

We are so thankful to be able to use this scenery as a back-drop to share Christ with students. It is almost impossible to deny God's existance when you experience views like this! What a mighty God we serve.

You are more than welcome to come and share in the fun and beauty---our home is always ready for guests!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Raft Training: Day 1

Day 1 of raft training has come to an end and Day 2 is already underway!

I came home last night and realized that this is what my bathroom is going to look like for most of the summer...full of sand and hanging soaked raft gear. It puts a smile on my face because every time I see that raft gear hanging, I can think about all the students who heard the gospel and had one life changing adventure trip!

Those who are curious on how day 1 went, here are a few quote from Mike as he recapped his day for me.

"The rapids are a lot bigger than I thought they would be!----way different than Wisconsin."

"I have so much to learn, but I got to guide the raft and I felt pretty good!"

"I wasn't cold for most of the day, but now that I am done, I'm ready for a hot shower. It would have been too cold for you, Sheila."

"Can't wait to learn more. I'm excited!"

Friday, April 1, 2011


Church. If you ask Christians what the definition of church is, I am sure you will get all sorts of answers. If you ask college Bible students what the definition is, you will come up with even more extreme definitions. Answers that range from, "church is where two or more people are gathered" to "we are the church". No matter your specific definition, I am sure every Christian can agree that, as believers, it is important to be plugged into the church. As Mike and I have had a unique past couple of years, we haven't been able to dig roots into any particular church. We have our home churches who have supported us in this ministry adventure, but we haven't had the opportunity to serve... until now. Mike and I started regularly attending a church near our home here in Boise. We didn't expect to get plugged into the church right away, but I guess God had other plans. God has given me the opportunity to serve in the women's ministry. Mike plays the drums on an "as needed" basis. And we serve together in the Creative Arts Ministry; Mike creates all the light schemes and patterns for worship while I am heading up the drama ministry. It feels good to be serving in a church again. There is something instinctively at our core that longs for community, fellowship, love, encouragement, and truth. No wonder Christ put such an emphasis on the church in the New Testament. As we serve, we grow. As we commune, we love. As we engage in fellowship, we encourage. As we encourage, we find truth. We are thankful to finally have a home church again, and we are humbled to have the opportunity to serve!