
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Let Go: Fighting the Monster

I'm a little late on this update but it doesn't mean that I haven't spent all week wrestling with a giant monster. Unless you are the OCD- throw everything away before it hits your desk- kind of personality, you may be able to relate with the monster that I battled all week long.

*Insert creepy music here.* The monster otherwise known as my desk. I don't know how it happens, but within a matter of days my desk can get piled so high with stacks of papers! Some papers sit tall on the top of the desk while others sneak their way into the black holes in my desk drawers. No matter my efforts, it seems that my desk always becomes the magnet of all things paper. It's a never ending battle for a teacher, especially an English teacher, and a battle that I lose. So this week was my week to wrestle and dominate the monster....

After many paper cuts and hours of sorting and shredding, I can confidently say that I conquered and defeated the monster! I let go of pounds of paper and I feel lighter because of it. Monday when I walk into my class and prepare for first period, I have a feeling that I will have a smile on my face because I will be able to focus on the things that matter rather than be consumed with fighting the monster!

(This is where my "after picture" should go; however, when I finally finished, I was so tired that I turned out the lights and went home. The last thing on my mind was taking another picture. Sorry.)

I know it's a simple post with not much depth to it; perhaps it's disappointing or anticlimactic, but I am realizing that some of the smallest burdens become the biggest barriers to living WELL. 


jenniferfoley said...

no worries about an after pic, you can take it Monday morning since it should still be clean!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for the photo! Desks and counters are the worst for me. Still trying to figure out how to do that differently! ~Heather Krupa