
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Healthy Competition

That is the topic for today.
If you have one, maybe you will understand. If you don't, then I'm not offended if you close the page right now.

Growing up, my sister and I NEVER got along. I mean NEVER. I was 5 years older and thought I knew everything. She was determined to not be told what to do. We fought, we bickered.

"You can't do that!"
"Wanna make me!"

There are a few pictures of us, like the one below, where the moment looks happy. I'm sure we had a few of them, but for the most part, I remember fights and I think she would say the same.

The older we got, the more we just stuck to our own thing. She did sports. I did the arts. I eventually went to college and because of our age difference, we still had little to talk about. It wasn't until we lived in separate states that we started to realize the gift that sisters could be.

As we moved into adulthood, our differences were fewer and our commonalities grew. I started to realize that siblings are the backbone to our identity. They remind us of where we came from, who we were and who we are. Siblings keep us from forgetting; good and bad. What a beautiful gift.

Through the seasons, my sister and I have been close and then not as much. It is an ebb and flow. Yet one thing that I LOVE right now, in this season of life, is that even though we live VERY different lives, we have found a commonality. It took us 27 years to find it, but progress is everything, right? It's a healthy competition. A motivator for both us. It's called YOGA. It is something that I have always been interested in and recently, my sister has grown to love it too.

My sister killing a headstand. 
In the past, competition was something that separated us. It was the dividing wall. Perhaps  it's just called immaturity, or simply, we have grown up. Either way, my sister and I have found a healthy balance of using yoga to push each other and to challenge each other to be better, healthier, stronger. It's been a fun hobby to share. Most of all, though, it keeps us talking, it keeps us engaged, and it keeps us exploring the bond of sisterhood. 

What do you share with your sister?

How do you keep the bond with your siblings alive and well? I'd love to hear!

Me. Enjoying the great outdoors and a good stretch.
I'm looking forward to the next time my sister and I are together so we can yogi together!

Mandy, you better be ready because I'm going to bring my hardest poses. ;)

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