
Thursday, July 22, 2010


We took a trip to Omaha to do some support raising and thanks to our dear friend Donna, we were able to bring our fun loving dog, Bear! We love traveling with him; he always makes a car ride that much more exciting, plus he gives us an excuse to stop more often and enjoy the beauty along the way.

I can't believe I am old enough to be watching my friends have babies! I have known Jennifer since high school, we roomed together in college, and now I celebrate as she brings a little one into the world! Congrats Jennifer!

I don't get to see my brother very often, so when I do it is a treat! I hope someday I can talk him into moving to the Boise area.
In a nutshell, we had a quick but good time in Omaha. Mike was able to meet with quite a few friends and we look forward to seeing how God will work.

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