
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mike's "office"

Mike is on the river for his second weekend of raft training. They have yet to flip a raft---which is a good thing! I was hoping to get out and take some pictures of him in action, but that didn't happen (yet) so instead, I thought it would be fun to show a few pictures of Mike's "office".  My sister took these photos last fall. Aren't you jealous of Mike's office?!

Of course, these shots are of the slower moving water. The part of the river Mike has been working on is much more powerful with class 3 and 4 rapids and the river is much higher right now with snow melting into the river. (Got to make sure I don't misrepresent the hard work my man is doing!)

We are so thankful to be able to use this scenery as a back-drop to share Christ with students. It is almost impossible to deny God's existance when you experience views like this! What a mighty God we serve.

You are more than welcome to come and share in the fun and beauty---our home is always ready for guests!

1 comment:

AjoyBrush said...

Ha, nice pictures! I'm glad I document things well! Hope Mikes having fun!!