
Monday, May 16, 2011

Early Summer Report

So much to report on!

-Mike is busy with training. He has been enjoying the last few weeks of raft training, but today starts the intense, never ending, get ready for summer, training in the areas of rafting, climbing, first aid, swift water rescue, and kayaking. He is learning so much! Please remember to pray for safety and wisdom as all our guides learn and put into practice all they know as they minister to students all summer long!

-Sheila has been subbing a lot the last few months. Subbing has taught her so much about what being a good teacher looks like. She is thankful for the learning opportunity and the extra income from these last few busy months before summer.

-Sheila has also been dealing with some health issues the last month or so. Before Easter she suffered from some major vertigo and nausea. The doctor has suggested an MRI, so this Thursday she will be getting an MRI of the brain. We would appreciate your prayers for a healthy brain!

-In the midst of Mike's busy schedule and Sheila's uncertain health issues, they have still made time to enjoy Idaho and each other. This last weekend they went on a "date" to the shooting range. Mike wanted to make certain that as he is gone this summer, Sheila would know how to defend herself and Mike taught Sheila a thing or two about shooting guns!

Thank you friends and family for all your love! We appreciate your prayers and continued support. Even though you are far away, we hope this blog makes you feel a little closer! We sure do miss y'all!

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