
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Let Go: of the Hollywood movie

I must admit that sometimes my life plays out like a movie in my head. I'm weird, but I think about this question: if I were to cast someone as me in a movie who would I want to play my best me? Do you ever think about that? Ok, so it might just be a weird thing I do. Even still, I imagine my Hollywood drama playing out perfectly -just like it always does on the big screen.
Imagine the typical movie: The characters are gorgeous and life seems perfect. Then something drastic happens which changes the entire tone of the movie and the characters have to face some sort of character transformation. Finally, just before the movie ends there is this dramatic revelation and a happy resolve hits the main character. You know, the "happy it all worked out" kind of Hollywood movie.

Well, I've been catching myself thinking that my life will play out just like that movie. Then I remember that my life is not a movie and a hopeless-romantic screenplay writer is not writing my story.

God is.
And he is much more creative than any screenplay writer and his best stories are always far from perfect.

There is no perfect formula; a +b = c and then everything will be perfect. Life is up and down. Some days are beautiful and other days just suck. God blesses with the beautiful, but one thing I often forget is that sometimes he allows for the ugly and messy to come in and shake us up. Far from the perfect resolve in a movie.

I'm reminded that in either season of life (beautiful or messy), I must trust that the author of my life is in complete control and the imperfect stories are always the most relatable and life changing.

My life may never look as beautiful and put together as a Hollywood movie, but I have to trust that the script written for my life is much more adventurous, life changing, and challenging than any Hollywood movie could ever be.

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