
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Small: Part II (1 year later)

Last week I celebrated spring break with some much needed traveling. I hit up Nebraska, South Dakota, and Colorado.

I love to travel and take every opportunity possible. I love seeing new places, meeting new people, and experiencing new perspectives. I love the people watching and imagining everyone's stories. I especially notice people in the airport. People hustling, eating, laughing, fighting, crying, etc. 

There is a lot to love about traveling, but there is one feeling I always get when I travel and it usually catches me by surprise.

The feeling of being small.

When I travel outside of my world, I am reminded that there are millions of people out there engulfed in their own lives, with their own stories. I am reminded that my life, my story is one of millions in the world and I am suddenly struck with the realization that life isn't all about me. Funny how quickly I forget that.

At first I feel overwhelmed at the feeling of being small. We all want to feel big and important, right? As if we matter, as if we make a difference, like the universe is a better place because of us. Yet, as I sit on the bench and watch the hundreds of people rush by, I lean in to the feeling of  being small.

Small reminds me that I can't do things on my own.
Small reminds me that I don't have to have it altogether
That there is a God bigger than me.
A God that pursues the small and makes the small beautiful.
Small takes the pressure off of life.
And being small makes me trust God all the more -the biggest of all- the omega, alpha, beginning and the end.

~ ~ ~
See Small to read more about feeling small.

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