
Thursday, November 13, 2014

... Keeping me up.

Writing, specifically blogging, has been on my mind lately. (It really has been far too long since my last post.)

I'll have a thought that will wake me up in the middle of the night and then I think, "you should blog about that", but the next morning I wake up and the thought is gone. I know that it means that I'm stuck in my head again; ideas, worries, hopes, all swirling around at odd hours of the night. I'm sure this has happened to you once or twice. For me, I find that writing is the best way to get it all out.

So I guess I'll just consider this a "dump" post; dump all my thoughts onto this page. (Maybe if I dump it all into this writing then they won't wake me again. ...A girl can hope at least.)

So here it goes. Thoughts or questions that run through my head... keeping me up late at night:

1) How do we know if we are doing what we are suppose to (career wise)? Do we ever really find the "right" career or job that fits us perfectly?

2) God, do you hear me? I know you are there, but why are you so quiet?

3) Love. It's beautiful and hard all at the same time. Why do we hurt the people we love the most? Why do we give up so easily? If it is so beautiful, why do we let the selfish fighting get in the way? It seems like we lose sight of the beautiful so quickly.

4) Should I buy a house or keep renting? "Stick it to the man" Buy!... but wait, buying a house is so much of a commitment and responsibility.

5) And why is commitment so hard for some of us? ...To commit to a future and be sure of it while others fear they may miss out on something better if they settle for the present.

6) Most of all, God, can you help me to let go of what I can't control and help me to not worry about what you already have planned? Can you help me to trust?

Perhaps you've had similar questions and thoughts keep you up at night.
I'm curious, do you eventually find answers? and if you do, do you find that another series of questions slowly start creeping in?


PastorEdB said...

Shelia, do you have an ongoing appointment to write? I've found it's very helpful for me to incorporate a weekly entry into my blog when I'm writing my sermons - that way, I can schedule my online material to update at the same time that my sermon is *actually* being preached.

Just a thought to encourage you to keep up your writing!

Rhoni said...

I was having very similar thoughts this morning on my drive in regarding writing. Specifically how I partially identify myself as a "writer"...but there's little action lately to back that up. How can I do that when I haven't written regularly for a very long time? And that led to the idea that I should really set an appointment and put writing time back in my schedule - commit to it. And that led to thoughts about WHAT to write...My questions & blog post ideas generally come to me in the wee early morning hours. Or while swimming. Or in the shower. Or driving. Anywhere I can't get them written down to flesh out later...