
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Home away from Home

I'll admit it, since I've moved to Boise going to church has been a hit or miss kind of happening. But let me tell you, growing up as a PK (pastor's kid), I was at church all the time. I was the kiddo that ran around the church like she owned the place and to be honest, I kind of felt like I did. For years church was my second home. Any time I felt lost or alone, church always helped me feel found again. Sometimes it was about the people. Sometimes it was the sermon. But then there were other times when I sat in a pew in the quiet of the sanctuary with just me and God and I strangely felt at home. You know that feeling like no matter what is going on in the world outside, somehow you know you will be alright because you are home.

I've lost that feeling over the years. Blame it on age. Blame it on distractions of life. Blame it on what I may, I haven't felt at home at church for a long time...

Until this morning...

I visited my friend's church. There was nothing special about the building, the people, or the sermon (sorry), but this morning I was reminded of that feeling. I was reminded that no matter how crazy life gets, how hard or easy things are, I can sit with God in church and feel at home.

I think we all need a home away from home. A safe place that reminds us of who we were, who we are and where we are going. A place that reminds us that no matter how good or bad life gets there is a constant in our lives that keep us on the straight and narrow. As if it grounds us and pushes us forward
 ... For me, that home is church. What's yours?

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