
Monday, March 2, 2015

A New Home

A long time ago I started a series entitled "Home". I abandoned the series due to a lack of direction and inspiration, but after some encouragement to revisit the series and after moving into a new home, I am back here in this theme called "Home". It's interesting how themes come in and out of my life. Please tell me that themes come and go for you too.

My new home is very different from my old home. For years I lived in this tiny little duplex and it fit my needs nicely. It was tiny, cozy, full of time and memories. I had few complaints. But as life changed, so did my desires and my needs. My brother moved in so I needed more space. I wanted to start having friends over. I started to feel like change was needed in order to keep my mind healthy. My home started to feel like it was cramping me. It didn't fit me anymore. Honestly, it took me a while to be alright with that fact, but eventually I started to look for a new home. A home to shelter a different Sheila. A home that could help me grow and change and be who I am.

Now I live in a home. I mean, it's literally a residential home with a front yard and a backyard. I have a deck and a tire swing. I have a fireplace that I love and a dinning room where my beautiful table hosts more than 2 people. My new home fits me now. It fits me in a way that I didn't know I needed. It's giving me new life, a fresh mindset. I'm living life again and my home has helped me in that journey. I never realized how much a home could help give new life.

 There will always be memories from my old place. Just because I don't fit there anymore doesn't make it any less of a home,  it's just not the home I need now.

Allowing myself to change was the first step to my new home.
Now learning to live in it is my next, but it fits me so I'm not worried.

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