
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do Something

I read the "old fashion" newspaper yesterday for the first time in a very long time... depression set in very quickly. Don't get me wrong, I am a news junky. In fact, the second thing I do in the morning (after making coffee) is turn on the Today show; something my husband has just had to get used to. All that to say, I am very aware of current events, but there was something quite melancholy about sitting in an empty room, holding open that enormous gray paper and reading reports on government issues, economic crisis, and education reform. Honestly, it made me want to run- run far far away with my hands covering my ears so as not to hear any more of the world's problems. I hear Ireland and New Zealand are quite beautiful!

As I was planning my dream escape from reality, I was reminded of a man. This man walked the earth thousands of years ago and he could have easily run. He could have made his dream escape a reality, and I am sure his dream escape would have been to a place more beautiful than Ireland or New Zealand. He could have ignored all the problems in the world. He could have refused to save the world; to let us be taken over by our lust and sinful desires... yet he didn't. He took action. He believed there was a better plan; a plan full of love and sacrifice. This man, beaten, hungry, bloody, and broken hung on a cross and said, "Forgive them for they know not what they do." He believed that to run away or ignore the world was not the way to change things.

Today I sit with the newspaper in front of me and instead of wanting to run away to Ireland, I choose to be an active Christ follower. I choose to be well informed, to fight for justice, and to help the helpless. Running away or ignoring the issues isn't what Jesus did and it isn't what Christians should do. We need to stand together and be active in this life. Imagine what changes we could see happen in this world if every Christian were to follow Jesus's lead and do something to change the world! What will you do?

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:17

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