
Sunday, July 7, 2013


Have you ever asked the question:
What inspires me?
Not just what inspires you on the surface- like cars, money, and pretty clothes- but truly and deeply...

What inspires me at the core of who I am?

And when you are inspired, what is it that you want to do or be? What whisper tugs at you, pulls you in and pushes you forward?

Then there is the fear in the pit of your stomach that squelches your dream deep inside you -almost to the point that you can't recognize it- and you stop dreaming.

That's me. I get inspired when I have great conversations with people and then my dreams start to flow. Before I know it, I'm dreaming about this all girl's school that I want to build and I imagine the good and the life transformation that could happen in my life and the girl's lives. Then suddenly the fear overtakes me... and the dream is gone.

I wonder why I let the fear stop me...

because the dream is always there...

just waiting for me...

I imagine what this world would look like if we all did exactly what we dreamed of doing...

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